Repeat rows 1 - 8.
Row #SideBegin RowRepeatRepeat From *
1Rp2*k7, k2-tog, yo, k1, yo, k6, p2, k6, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k7, p2*
2Wk2*p6, p2-tog-b, p9, k2, p9, p2-tog, p6, k2*
3Rp2*k5, k2-tog, (k1, yo) twice, k7, p2, k7, (yo, k1) twice, ssk, k5, p2*
4Wk2*p4, p2-tog-b, p11,k2, p11, p2-tog, p4, k2*
5Rp2*k3, k2-tog, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, 3BC, p2, 3FC, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2, ssk, k3, p2*
6Wk2*p2, p2-tog-b, p13, k2, p13, p2-tog, p2, k2*
7Rp2*k1, k2-tog, k3, yo, k1, yo, k9, p2, k9, yo, k1, yo, k3, ssk, k1, p2*
8Wk2*p2-tog-b, p15, k2, p15, p2-tog, k2*
  Additional Instructions and Notes
 The number of stitches varies from row to row.
3BCslip three stitches to cable needle and hold in back, k3, then k3 from the cable needle
3FCslip three stitches to cable needle and hold in front, k3 then k3 from cable needle
k2-tog or p2-togknit 2 stitches together on right side rows; purl 2 stitches together on wrong side rows
ssk or p2-tog-bslip, slip, knit on right side rows; purl 2 stitches together through the back loops on wrong side rows
yoyarn over
k or pKnit on right side rows; purl on wrong side rows.
p or kPurl on right side rows, knit on wrong side rows.
 no stitch; this is a place holder in the chart.
Row: 8  
  Row: 7
Row: 6  
  Row: 5
Row: 4  
  Row: 3
Row: 2  
  Row: 1
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